Fox Newsがニプシー・ハッスルの葬儀についてジョークを交えながら誤った報道をする。T.I.やThe Game などが強く抗議。



Nipsey Hussle(ニプシー・ハッスル)の死から2週間がたち、LAのステープルズ・センターで行われた追悼式には、何千人もの人が最後のお別れを言うために参列した。




アメリカの報道ステーションFox Newsは、追悼式について報道した際、3年前にニプシーがフィーチャリングされたYGの楽曲「FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)」を流し、これをニプシーが作った曲と、誤った情報を報道した。さらには、コミュニティに還元する活動に力を入れていたニプシーが亡くなったにも関わらず、まるで「彼は無知だ」と言わんばかりのジョークを交え大笑いしながらトランプ大統領を援護する発言を繰り返した。


これに対し、The GameやT.I.などがSNS上で反応し、Foxのニプシーへのあからさまな侮辱に強く抗議した。





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This is Disgusting! You both are vile despicable, poor excuses for people. My expectations have already decreased so much for mankind in the past couple weeks that this hardly surprised me… especially from @foxnews But rest assured that sooner than later you’ll BOTH see… WE ALL GET OUR TURN TO LIVE THROUGH OUR OWN PERSONAL TRAGEDY… and watch how many people dance in the streets,laugh and crack distasteful inappropriate jokes when it’s YOUR TURN!!!! Karma is constant & the laws of reciprocity ARE IN ORDER!!!! Neither of you WILL EVER know or experience the level of love, appreciation and respect that Nip has… EVEN IN DEATH!!! So let that sizzle in ya lil hateful,demonic spirits. And with that… I’m logging off IG at least a month or so… ??

TIPさん(@troubleman31)がシェアした投稿 –




The Gameは以下のように語った。


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So lemme tell you what’s going to happen here…. @foxnews fires this disrespectful cunt by tomorrow, Monday morning or you will lose millions of viewers one person at a time until it drastically effects your ratings, views etc… if our demographic doesn’t effect that we will STOP support of ALL SPONSORS immediately !!! We are NO LONGER laying quiet while you continuously disrespect our brother, culture African Americans as a whole. I will use my platform & call on my peers to do the same. Nips passing nor his legacy is to be taken lightly as there will be consequences for any disrespect now or in the future as long as I have a voice !!! I’m asking all of my followers, fans, friends & family to spread this video with demands of #LauraIngrahams termination immediately !!!!! This is not a game & my brothers untimely demise has noticeably shifted the world & brought people from all ethnicity’s together in mourning. There is a power in that, that will be used & action will be taken from now going forward. We will not be accepting any apology from her… we want her fired, PERIOD !!!!! #TheMarathonContinues ??? DO NOT LET THIS SLIDE MY PEOPLE. I know you can feel the energy NIP left all of us.. I know you feel it !!!!! ??

The Gameさん(@losangelesconfidential)がシェアした投稿 –




このように怒りを表したヒップホップコミュニティ。今後Fox Newsはどのように対応するのだろうか?
